Genital Warts & Cryotherapy

Genital Warts is a highly infectious sexually transmitted infection. They are painless growths or lumps around the vagina, penis and anus which are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

What is STD?

STD stands for sexually transmitted disease and are also known as STI (sexually transmitted infection). The infections are passed from person to person through sexual contact. If you are worried you may have an STD, are looking for more information, click below

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Genital Warts & Cryotherapy £124

Genital Warts is spread via sexual skin-to-skin contact with someone who has the infection. This includes vaginal, anal, and oral sex.

It's estimated that around 90% of genital warts are caused by infection with HPV types 6 and 11. However, these types are not associated with a significant risk of cancer. It's also estimated that around two thirds of sexually active adults will get infected with at least one strain of HPV in their lifetime.

Cryotherapy treatment for Genital Warts is exclusively available at our flagship clinic in London Bridge in central London, and costs £124.

To book an appointment, please call 0203 325 5150, as these appointments are only available with a doctor.

  • Next day appointments
    Bookable online with live availability or walk-in appointments
  • Private health clinics
    Clinics regulated by the Care Quality Commission and experienced nurses
  • STD testing & STI screening
    Chlamydia, HIV and sexual health checks for asymptomatic conditions
  • Caring & Confidential
    Confidential consultation with our nurse and medical assessment


Genital Warts is spread via sexual skin-to-skin contact with someone who has the infection. This includes vaginal, anal, and oral sex.

Ways to prevent the spread of genital warts:

  • Use Condoms
  • Get HPV Vaccination
  • Test regularly
  • Inform your sexual partner if you have genital warts
  • Don’t have sex when you have visible warts


Genital warts look like flesh coloured bumps or growths that show up on your vulva, vagina, cervix, penis, scrotum, or anus. They can be big or small, and it can vary how many you have, from just one wart to several warts. 

Common genital wart symptoms include:

  • Flesh coloured bumps or growths in the genital areas
  • Very itchy
  • Can be single or multiple, big or small.

Treatment Available at CityDoc

At CityDoc, our preferred treatment for Genital Warts is a freezing technique, also known as cryotherapy.  The cryotherapy that we use is Carnation Footcare Cryospray Verruca & Wart Remover Freeze Spray, whish is Dimethyl Ether.

This produces a mild contained burn to the skin, which will gradually fade, with the result of removing the wart. 

Cryotherapy is available a select CityDoc clinics, and the treatment costs £124.

Receiving STD results

During your appointment test results and timings will be discussed. All test results are sent to our London based Harley Street laboratory for analysis and results will be sent directly to you once complete. If your results are positive, our specialist team will be in contact and provide NHS referrals if required. We provide treatment nationwide for Chlamydia and in our London flagship clinics we offer treatment for both Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.

Receiving results

Sexual health FAQ’s

Are you unsure on the difference between an STD and STI? What happens if I have a positive result? If you are looking for answers to these and other sexual health questions, we have put together a list of FAQ’s for you.

Sexual health FAQ’s

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