Rubella is an acute viral illness that is spread easily from person to person by coughing or sneezing.
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Find a clinicIt is mainly an infection of children and is generally mild in this group. However, rubella in pregnancy is a severe and potentially fatal illness for the unborn baby.
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The Illness
Symptoms include rash and fever and usually occur 2 to 3 weeks after exposure.
In adults, it can also cause painful joints and arthritis,
There is no specific treatment for rubella
The vaccine is effective at preventing all three illnesses and can be given from 12 months of age. It is particularly important to check if you are vaccinated against MMR before travelling as infection is prevalent in Asia, Africa and South America.
Because the illness is easily transmitted through air, MMR immunity is necessary for certain jobs.
Book now at your local CityDoc clinic to get your MMR vaccination, whether for travel or occupational purposes.
Blood Testing
Blood tests evaluate how well the body is functioning and if there are any areas which may require medical help. All blood tests carried out at CityDoc clinics are by highly qualified professionals.
Private GP Service
Worried about your health? We have private GP appointments available at our London Bridge flagship clinic for you to discuss any concerns you may have. It’s quick and easy to book a consultation online today.
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